Every January millions of us choose to focus on changing our habits, bodies, diets and a plethora of other things that we believe are not beneficial to our lifestyle. The focus starts with what we think we are not doing right.

Each year I attempt to make changes that I think will make me healthier or less stressed. I usually keep my resolutions going strong until about mid-February. Then slowly, I lose momentum until I’m no longer bothering with my new year intentions. In a sense I give up on myself and end up feeling worse than when I started.

I have this notion that part of the reason I can never keep up with my new year intentions is because I’m starting off believing that I’m not good enough to begin with. This year I want to change how I feel from the start.

I plan to pay attention to those things that I have done right and honor those. I can make some improvements and I can look at the new year with the intent that I don’t have to change everything.

For example, I exercise regularly, however maybe this year I can stay focused on challenging myself at the gym instead of resolving to go more. I eat well most of the time. Maybe this year I can focus on what foods make me feel better and eat more of those.

This year my intention is to be kinder to myself from the start. I’m going to strive to do better and try not to be disappointed when I’m not able to put forth my best efforts. I’m hoping that by setting this intention I will have better results.

Recently a friend recommended a lovely new year’s resolution. It is to try something new once a month. I love this! It’s simple, it’s refreshing and I think it is something that I can do that will make me feel good. I can try a new restaurant, or a new haircut. The point is, it’s easy and it starts off positive from the start. The change is one that doesn’t hinge on me not being good enough from the start.

As we celebrate a new year of opportunity I wish you well with all of your resolutions. I hope that you are inspired to be kinder to yourself from the start and have a happy and healthy new year. CHEERS!