Holy Fire Reiki is a blend of traditional Usui Reiki and a modern evolution of Reiki. It was introduced by the International Center of Reiki Training in January of 2014 by William Rand.

Holy Fire Reiki is not a religion and is available to everyone regardless of his or her spiritual belief system.

The use of the word holy in Holy Fire Reiki is not meant to have a religious meaning but rather applies to the root meaning of the word whole. The meaning of Holy Fire Reiki implies wholeness and a sense of feeling whole complete and well in mind, body and spirit.

Holy Fire Reiki III is a spiritually guided energy that is noticeably refined and very effective in guiding one toward overall wellness. It promotes an awareness of personal empowerment, wellness and healing in a gentle and loving way. There is a sense of feeling nurtured and complete with Holy Fire Reiki sessions.

What are some common results people experiencing with their Holy Fire Reiki treatments?

  • Heals deeply and quickly without distress.
  • Develops healthy traits in the personality.
  • Promotes a sense of being loved.
  • Works with your free will choices to heal.
  • Heals relationships and interactions with others.
  • Provides guidance and clarity in life experiences.
  • Continues to work with you even after your Reiki session is complete.
  • Helps to release worries and replaces them with a sense of safety.

I often teach Holy Fire Reiki classes, take a look here for a description of the types of classes I offer.