My reason for taking the Reiki Level One class was to find the courage and compassion to love myself. For if I do not love myself I cannot love others. Teresa has given me tools to make this happen- Thank you!
Hello, My name is Karen. I had the great pleasure of receiving a reiki treatment from Teresa Aramini. At first she touched on some childhood things that did happen to me, and then towards the middle to end of the treatment, I immediately had a vision of my deceased father. It was him telling me he missed me and loved me. I started to cry and then it passed. I did also have a throat chakra that was blocked, I wrote some letters and burned them and felt better in the end. Thank you Teresa
I would recommend this class for anyone who has a thirst for learning new things, experiencing new feelings and thoughts and wishing to improve their life.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to learn the gift of Reiki and Holy Fire!! Much love and gratitude!
I’ll admit I was bit skeptical about reiki at first having never really heard that much about it. I’m a deep tissue massage kind of girl — the type where it has to hurt to make me feel better so I wasn’t sure about Reiki. Okay Teresa I was sorely mistaken. I immediately felt sensation which continued into a myriad of emotions and releases. By the end of the session, I was the most relaxed I’ve ever been. It felt like the relaxation you feel when you are about to fall asleep but I was wide awake. Wow!
This class helped move my life forward in a huge way. In just one weekend I feel like I have been catapulted forward. I feel confident in living what I’ve always dreamed of doing.
Holy Fire felt like being surrounded by love. I felt connected and welcomed in a journey to meet myself.
During my first Reiki experience with Teresa, I was amazed on how she was able to pinpoint my areas of pain. I felt warmth and was extremely relaxed. I left with an unexpected amount of energy. She was amazing and this was a truly magical experience for me!!!
My Reiki session with Teresa was completely relaxing. I was able to let go of some tension in my body, especially in my neck and shoulders. I also experienced clarity of mind. My usually fast tracked brain slowed down and was peaceful. In only one hour I felt like a new man. If you haven’t tried Reiki because you don’t think it will work, you should consider challenging that belief because it does work.
The Usui Holy Fire II Master class is life-changing, lightly put. I felt empowered to share Reiki in a way that I had never imagined previously. The Master level is no small thing; it is truly living in your own love and light and sharing this with the rest of the world. Teresa is such a wonderful soul and amazing teacher. I don’t think I could imagined a better person from whom to learn Reiki from. She provides you with all the guidance you need to feel comfortable moving forward. I am truly grateful for her.
Reiki was previously something I was only dimly aware about. Not knowing exactly what to expect, I decided to go in with an open mind after a friend recommendation, and just see what happens. It turned out to be an incredible experience! Not only did I leave with a new respect for Reiki, but the newly added benefits of a better night’s sleep and the ability to control when I felt relaxed were nice, unexpected surprises!
I was given a gift certificate from a friend to try Reiki. I didn’t know what to expect but my friend assured me it would be really relaxing. I had been having trouble sleeping for several months. The first night after my Reiki session with Teresa Aramini I was actually able to sleep through the night! What is even more amazing is that I have been able to fall asleep and STAY asleep since I started going to Reiki. I had expected to get some pampering from Reiki but I never expected to get my much needed sleep back.
I go to a masseuse once a month and a friend recommended going to Teresa to help release stress. The day I saw her my mind was churning with appointments, commitments, future planning (I’m an admitted worry-oholic), and within 5 minutes I could feel a calming serenity come over me.
Wow. Working from my feet upwards I felt the tightness release little by little, as she softly asked questions. My plankboard shoulders, and my beginning headache vanished, and it lasted for days! Run, don’t walk, to see this woman.
Taking the Holy Fire Master class with Teresa is a life changing experience. Teresa is an amazing teacher who supports you through the entire experience and beyond. If you ever have a chance to take any of her classes do it, your soul will never be the same.