Frequently people ask me what a Reiki session feels like. This may be the most challenging question to answer. The truth is it’s so difficult because it’s never the same for any two people. I’ve tried to articulate what a person might expect and often clients say that they do experience some of the things I say but just as often they describe their own unique experience.

Recently I realized that a Reiki session is a bit like falling in love. The sensations are different for everyone, and yet everyone seems to have sensations. I Googled “What does it feel like to fall in love.” There were thousands of answers to this question. Some were romantic and dreamy and some were bittersweet. My favorite one was this, “Scary. Then the best thing to ever happen to you.”

In honor of Valentine’s Day, I thought I would list some similarities between falling in love and a Reiki session.

  • Tingling or warm sensations in the body
  • Heart rate change
  • Thoughts and memories coming and going quickly
  • A change in breathing
  • Feeling nervous at first, then comfort
  • Calm and excited at the same time
  • Feeling like you are loved
  • Feeling compassion for yourself


The most important thing that you feel is a connection to your true self. As your heart opens you feel a sense of inner peace that is hard to describe but trust me it feels fantastic.

According to Professor Arthur Aron from State University of New York Stonybrook, “The primary motivation for falling in love is to expand the self and to increase our abilities and our effectiveness.” Professor Aron has been studying why people fall in love. He goes on to indicate that “people like to feel that they are effective in relationships.”

In my experience, Reiki feels like an energetic hug engulfing you in love. Even when I’m feeling insecure or upset, a Reiki session never makes me feel alone. I feel supported and worthy. I feel empowered. This is very similar to what Professor Aron describes as the motivation for falling in love.

As scary as it might seem to try out in the beginning, the peace and calm felt during a Reiki session make it difficult to not give into, just like falling in love. I know I’ve fallen in love with Reiki and if you haven’t already I hope you will too. Happy Valentine’s Day!

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